Nie Vange (Emily Nieh) profile

Nie Vange (Emily Nieh) information

  • Name Nie Vange (Emily Nieh)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 163
  • Birthday 1990-02-10
  • Measurements B81(C) W56 H81
  • Born Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Actor, model, teacher
  • Interest
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 770

Emily Nieh, nicknamed Gege, American Chinese, Taiwanese new generation female artist, is affiliated to Mi Rabbit Entertainment Co., Ltd., Beijing Donghai Kirin Culture Communication Co., Ltd. signed an actor. Emily was born in Los Angeles, USA. After graduating from UCSD University of California, San Diego, she went to Taiwan to study Chinese and worked in English. She is the most famous English teacher in Taiwan. Her online short video English teaching ABCDEmily was extremely high. Clickthrough rate. At present, Emily is mainly engaged in the development of the entertainment industry, and has appeared in many MVs, movies, and dramas. She is also a guest in various variety shows. In the drama, he has guest starred in the movie "Scorpion Hero" and has appeared in many online hot dramas such as "Global Big Pot".