Xu Xiangting (Xu xiangting) profile

Xu Xiangting (Xu xiangting) information

  • Name Xu Xiangting (Xu xiangting)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 161
  • Birthday
  • Measurements B86(F) W61 H89
  • Born Taiwan, China
  • Professional student
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 2397

Xu Xiangting, a network red man, graduated from Beijing No. 1 Middle School, known as “Yaoyao II”, because her password for the network album was cracked by hackers, directly causing a lot of life selfies on the network. Netizens who share the spirit of sharing are rewarded with each other. For a time, "Xu Xiangting" became one of the popular searches in Taiwan's Internet, and it has become the new goddess in the hearts of countless otaku, and all of this must be attributed to the pair of F-cups in Xu Xiangting's self-portrait.

Xu Xiangting (Xu xiangting) collections