Zhang Weifen (Wei Fi) profile

Zhang Weifen (Wei Fi) information

  • Name Zhang Weifen (Wei Fi)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 162
  • Birthday 1992-04-15
  • Measurements B81 W58 H84
  • Born Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model, showgirl
  • Interest Sing, watch movies
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1195

Zhang Weifen Wei Fi, Taiwanese sister, from Taipei City, is a contract model of Jingdi International Model Agency. She just graduated from Taipei University of Technology and has a part-time job advertisement. A few days ago, she had a micro-showy photo on the fan group. After watching it, the netizens praised it, and they praised "sexy", "cute", "sweet", "the appearance of cockroaches, chicken chops, bean curd." Sister, killing a lot. It must be lost!"