Liu Hanya () profile

Liu Hanya () information

  • Name Liu Hanya ()
  • Zodiac Virgo
  • Height 0
  • Birthday 1978-09-14
  • Measurements
  • Born Wanhua District, Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Host, singer, actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1375

Liu Hanya (September 14, 1978-), also known as Aya, a famous TV presenter, singer, and actor in Taiwan, China; early on with a song "The Ice and Ice", became popular in Taiwan. The Taiwanese entertainment program "I guess I guess, I guess" guessed by her has been well received by everyone, and she has also taken her to the top of the entertainment line. The release albums include "Let's Come Over", "Miss Wallflower" and "Folly" Collection. Filming and filming has "The Eighth Pawn Shop", "Happiness Lost" and so on. On the occasion of the opening of 2012, Aya hosted Tencent's video original program "Love Happy Men and Women". In the first season, "Happy Women" was broadcasted in a single episode, and the total score was over 100 million. Rate, the second season of "Happy Men and Women" is more of a concern when it is broadcast.

Liu Hanya () collections