Cai Yijia (Ikea Tsai) profile

Cai Yijia (Ikea Tsai) information

  • Name Cai Yijia (Ikea Tsai)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 172
  • Birthday 1995-02-13
  • Measurements B81 W64 H91
  • Born Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model
  • Interest Photography, cycling, metal music
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1581

Ikea Tsai, a new generation model from Taiwan, graduated from the Department of Global Business Studies at the China University of Culture and is part of Yilin Entertainment. In 2014, he participated in the third Yilin Star selection because of interest, and immediately became a model; in late March 2015, Yilin Facebook fan group published a photo, and the long-legged sister Cai Yijia and the Nordic home IKEA had the same name. And the discussion topic is raised on the PTT, which opens up the popularity. In May 2016, he joined the supermodel's mission video for the first time. His lively and funny performance made him the third-quarter/four-season high-profile funny team. At the end of 2016, he took over the latest heroine of Shawei underwear advertising. Because of his sweet and rich audience, he became a popular female artist of Yilin.

Cai Yijia (Ikea Tsai) collections