Black Jiajia (Joanne Missingham) profile

Black Jiajia (Joanne Missingham) information

  • Name Black Jiajia (Joanne Missingham)
  • Zodiac Gemini
  • Height 163
  • Birthday 1994-05-26
  • Measurements
  • Born Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Professional go player
  • Interest Go
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1214

Black Jiajia, a Taiwanese women's Go player, a Chinese-Australian mixed-race girl, was born in Brisbane, Australia, a Taiwanese-born Australian Go player and holds a Republic of China passport. He is currently a chess player for the women's career in the Chinese chess house and a seven-segment chess player for the Taiwanese chess profession. In July 2008, Black Jiajia won the second place in China for the second time and became a professional chess player. She is currently the first and the only professional female chess player in Taiwan to enter the Chinese mainland.