Huang Wei (Bei jhu) profile

Huang Wei (Bei jhu) information

  • Name Huang Wei (Bei jhu)
  • Zodiac Pisces
  • Height 168
  • Birthday 1992-03-16
  • Measurements B81(C) W61 H86
  • Born Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model, showgirl
  • Interest Sing, dance, go shopping, watch movies
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1657

钡钡(黄钡铢), a Taiwanese model, is known as a beautiful girl with a nine-headed body. She once won the KBG girl competition with help from the national team to help the FHM men, in addition to the perfect body, The soft appearance and delicate snoring will make people feel full of numbness. Anyone who has heard her voice describes that it will make people feel distressed and want to protect her. Besides being in the exhibition hall, SG also picks up TV. Announcement and work outside the shoot, so friends who watch TV shows should always see the sly figure.