Asuka Miyama (Asuka Miyama) profile

Asuka Miyama (Asuka Miyama) information

  • Name Asuka Miyama (Asuka Miyama)
  • Zodiac Virgo
  • Height 162
  • Birthday 1987-09-19
  • Measurements B85(C) W59 H88
  • Born Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Model, photo idol
  • Interest Writing, music, guitar
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1456

Asakusa Asuka (Deep Mountain), the old stage name is Chuanxiong, Chana Asuka, and the Japanese Ikou Department's photo idol. It used to be the exclusive model of the Watanabe studio. In April 2006, the filming of the faculty was taken. These works were well received. In 2007, after a short break, he returned to Japan and changed his name to “Deep Mountain” in 2009 and published a new work “HOPE!”.

Asuka Miyama (Asuka Miyama) collections