Wang Shiqing (Greenia) profile

Wang Shiqing (Greenia) information

  • Name Wang Shiqing (Greenia)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 174
  • Birthday 1993-04-11
  • Measurements B86(C) W64 H89
  • Born Taichung City, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model
  • Interest Exercise, singing, dancing
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1593

Wang Shiqing Greenia, nicknamed the Hulk, Taiwanese model sister, showgirl, graduated from the Applied English Department of Tainan University of Applied Sciences, National Taichung University of Science and Technology - Beauty Department, because she has a super high height of 174 cm, so whenever she appears in the exhibition At the time, it is always easy to recognize, and there is a feeling of standing out. In 2013, she was also awarded the title of the third Queen of the United States for the sake of a pair of slender legs.