Sumire Matsubara (Sumire) profile

Sumire Matsubara (Sumire) information

  • Name Sumire Matsubara (Sumire)
  • Zodiac Cancer
  • Height 175
  • Birthday 1990-07-15
  • Measurements B85(D) W63 H90
  • Born Tokyo, Japan
  • Professional Singer, model
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1255

Matsubara (Sugawara, まつばらすみれ), now the stage name is すみれ, Japanese singer, model, graduated from the Punahou School of the United States, and later studied at the Carnegie Mellon University's performing arts discipline, but dropped out of school. In 1997, when she was 7 years old, she moved to the United States with her mother in Hawaii. In 2006, she debuted as a actor and appeared as an actor, "ちゃん・今ちゃん・オセロのGO!GO!サタ", at Carnegie Mellon University, more than 2,000 The students who passed the school received the first and second grades, but they were absent from school during the school less than 2 years and the singer debuted. The original album "WICKED GAME" was well received.

Sumire Matsubara (Sumire) collections