Hanazawa Kana (Kana Hanazawa) profile

Hanazawa Kana (Kana Hanazawa) information

  • Name Hanazawa Kana (Kana Hanazawa)
  • Zodiac Pisces
  • Height 157
  • Birthday 1989-02-25
  • Measurements
  • Born Tokyo, Japan
  • Professional Voice actor, actor, singer
  • Interest Reading, bathing
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1628

Hanazawa Coriander (Kana Hanazawa), born on February 25, 1989 in Tokyo, Japan, is currently a popular Japanese female seiyuu, actor, and singer. The affiliated office is Osawa Office. Huaze Coriander is a child star, and officially began seiyuu work in 2006. The literary department graduated from a university specializing in Japanese literature and was awarded the first place in the seiyuu who "I don't look at the looks." Representative works include "Little Owl", Flower House, "Golden Language", Shishi Fuzi, "Angel Beats!" The sound of Huaze Coriander is characterized by natural sound instead of false sound, and it can be equipped with some very flat and unconventional characters, but it can also be accompanied by very animated and exaggerated pops.

Hanazawa Kana (Kana Hanazawa) collections