Wan Yan Zhizhi (Caroline) profile

Wan Yan Zhizhi (Caroline) information

  • Name Wan Yan Zhizhi (Caroline)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 173
  • Birthday 1991-03-25
  • Measurements B96 W60 H90
  • Born Chongwen District, Beijing, China
  • Professional Model, host, writer
  • Interest Travel, writing, reading, listening to music, watching movies
  • Collections 2 collections
  • Views 1787

Wan Yan Zhizhi, also known as Zhang Zhizhi, nicknamed Caroline Zhizhi, mainland model, Tencent everyone car host, Aile Valley - headline goddess Madou. Although the value of Zhizhi is not amazing, but it is also considered to be superior, especially the charm of the five senses, it is indeed a hook. Moreover, Zhizhi is a flag man (Manchu). It is said that it is necessary to enlarge the Qing Dynasty. It is also a piece of the family of Wang Ye. When I was in middle school, the students loved to take her last name and joked that she was a woman.