Luo Kaishan (Kama Luo、Baby Shan) profile

Luo Kaishan (Kama Luo、Baby Shan) information

  • Name Luo Kaishan (Kama Luo、Baby Shan)
  • Zodiac Scorpio
  • Height 168
  • Birthday 1988-11-16
  • Measurements B84 W56 H84
  • Born China Hong Kong
  • Professional Model, actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1141

Kama Luo, a Hong Kong model and actor, has the title of “first-generation state-owned woman” for her repeated advertisements of Bangmin Finance. She graduated from Lefu Jiexin Lin Bingyan Middle School and is currently attending a law course at Hartford Institute. In 2006, he introduced himself to the model company to make a model, and the state-owned girl Liang Baoqi took over the Bangmin financial advertisement and became a hit. After the war, Luo Kaishan took the lead and became the only Hong Kong model in the upcoming "Toyko Girls Collection" fashion event. She walked with models such as Tsuchiya Anna, Lena (Fuji Nana) and Hasegawa. The bridge, causing attention in the art world, even avex also intends to wave to Luo Kaishan, the position is almost forced to Yang Ying.

Luo Kaishan (Kama Luo、Baby Shan) collections