Cai Yizhu (Ai Chu) profile

Cai Yizhu (Ai Chu) information

  • Name Cai Yizhu (Ai Chu)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 162
  • Birthday
  • Measurements
  • Born Taiwan, China
  • Professional Fried bag owner
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1949

Ai Chu, a recent Taiwanese girl who is more popular on the Internet, Cai Aizhu is the owner of the "Lao Cai Shanghai Shengjianbao" Fengjia store, so it is also called "Fried Baomei", and because it happens to use the mobile phone to photograph the Nantou landslide The picture was also called "Banshan Girl" by netizens. And the fried Baomei is now unmarried and has no boyfriend. The standard of mate selection is that the other party must like to eat fried bread, so many netizens have come to her Facebook to leave a message: "I love to eat fried bread, can I sign up?" It’s a strong popularity!

Cai Yizhu (Ai Chu) collections