Nakajima (Megumi Nakajima) profile

Nakajima (Megumi Nakajima) information

  • Name Nakajima (Megumi Nakajima)
  • Zodiac Gemini
  • Height 157
  • Birthday 1989-06-05
  • Measurements
  • Born Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Voice actor, singer
  • Interest Collecting records
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1329

Nakajima Ai (Nakajima Ai, なかじまめぐみ), a popular Japanese singer and singer, was born in Ibaraki Prefecture and is part of Stardust Promotion. Nakajima is a Japanese-American mixed-race beauty, her father is Japanese, her mother is Filipino, she grew up in a family that loves music, she likes tennis and reading in childhood, and she is convinced that she will become a singer in the future, and this has indeed been achieved. Nakajima Ai has not only become a singer, but also a famous seiyuu, who has dubbed many anime characters. His representative works include "Macross F" Orchid Lee, "Kemp Law" Sha Cangfeng and so on. On December 2, 2013, it was announced that from the end of March 2014, the music event under the name of “Nakajima Ai” will stop indefinitely, but will continue to perform as a seiyuu.