Jannine Parawie Weigel (Jannina W) profile

Jannine Parawie Weigel (Jannina W) information

  • Name Jannine Parawie Weigel (Jannina W)
  • Zodiac Leo
  • Height 163
  • Birthday 2000-07-30
  • Measurements
  • Born Saint Martin, Germany
  • Professional singer
  • Interest Movie, food
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1442

Jannina W, formerly known as Jannine Parawie Weigel, nicknamed Ploychompoo, Detai mixed-race singer, has recently become a popular angel on the Internet in Thailand, and the topic is very good. Don't look so cute, think it is a small bean, she sings. In the name of YOUTUBE, not only has a good voice, but also the appearance like a snow and ice elf, you can look at how small the little age (13) she sings, how cute it is, there is no way to Look directly at her like this.

Jannine Parawie Weigel (Jannina W) collections