Pure blood () profile

Pure blood () information

  • Name Pure blood ()
  • Zodiac Aquarius
  • Height 164
  • Birthday 1991-02-08
  • Measurements B84 W58 H86
  • Born China
  • Professional Cosplayer, singer, plane model
  • Interest
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 6287

The pure blood of the Mia, the famous COSER in the mainland, the game spokesperson, its glamorous appearance and versatile and loved by everyone, has a large number of fans. At the same time, she is also a singer, whose songs representing the work "Light and Faith" are also widely acclaimed. "Blood pure and elegant" temperament is cool and elegant, and the plasticity is extremely high. No matter whether it is the lady of the arrogant family, she has no mouth and no expression. The little Lolita, or the cool and handsome rock queen can interpret the vividness, but also the second dimension of the "One Piece" female emperor Hancock and Nami.