Saito Asuka (Asuka Saito) profile

Saito Asuka (Asuka Saito) information

  • Name Saito Asuka (Asuka Saito)
  • Zodiac Leo
  • Height 154
  • Birthday 1998-08-10
  • Measurements
  • Born Tokyo, Japan
  • Professional Idol, singer
  • Interest Reading, drum
  • Collections 4 collections
  • Views 12321

Saito bird (Saito bird, さいとうあすか), Japanese woman idol singer, one of the members of "Nakigi 46", the mother is a Burmese, so Saito bird is a mixed-race child, and is the youngest member of "Naimu 46". It is also the exclusive model of the fashion magazine "CUTiE" (Treasure Island). Recently, it has been sealed by Japan as a new goddess who has seen the beauty of 4,000 years. It is more popular.