Ei Nagasaku (Airi Nagasaku) profile

Ei Nagasaku (Airi Nagasaku) information

  • Name Ei Nagasaku (Airi Nagasaku)
  • Zodiac Pisces
  • Height 162
  • Birthday 1988-03-17
  • Measurements B98(I) W58 H88
  • Born Japan Ibaraki Gumi Uramura
  • Professional Racing girl, singer
  • Interest
  • Collections 22 collections
  • Views 52133

Yong Zuo Ai Li (Yong Zuo あいり), Japanese racing girl, singer, Ibaraki prefecture, in addition to the I Cup's explosive body, the pure beauty is also a major feature of her. When I was 6 years old, I started out as a child star. After that, I used the stage and photo as the center. In addition to playing TV programs, I also worked as a racing girl. In 2007, he became a member of the idol group VENUS. In 2009, he became a member of the ultra-popular group Ebisu Muscat and was active in the music industry after the combination was dissolved.

Ei Nagasaku (Airi Nagasaku) collections