Feng He () profile

Feng He () information

  • Name Feng He ()
  • Zodiac Sagittarius
  • Height 155
  • Birthday 1979-11-28
  • Measurements
  • Born Chengdu, New Zealand
  • Professional teacher
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1371

Feng He, who is a little greasy on the Internet, is a tens of thousands of bloggers in Sina. He once worked in New Oriental English and taught courses such as TOEFL IELTS SAT. He has a best-selling book, "After the Beauty of the Day". After being famous, he was invited to be a guest radio and TV program. He is a guest of "I am a beautiful woman", "Beautiful Beauty", "Happy Night" and "Everyday", and is also known as "a new generation of spicy teachers." In 1998, he was admitted to the Hotel Management Department of Chengdu University. After passing the self-study, he successfully passed the IELTS test and applied for the admission qualification of the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He went abroad in 1999 - studied at the University of Auckland in New Zealand in 2003 and obtained a New Zealand resident card after graduation.

Feng He () collections