Zhao Yunxi (???,Cho Yun Hee) profile

Zhao Yunxi (???,Cho Yun Hee) information

  • Name Zhao Yunxi (???,Cho Yun Hee)
  • Zodiac Libra
  • Height 171
  • Birthday 1982-10-13
  • Measurements
  • Born Korea
  • Professional Model, actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1336

Zhao Yunxi, as the image is fresh and pleasant, served as the heroine of many MVs in the early days of the debut, such as Li Xiuying's "I Believe", "Let's", "LALALA", "Debt", "Goodbye" and LEEDS's "Silent Goodbye". At the same time, due to the bright appearance, it appeared in many advertisements, including HITEL V advertisement, LG advertisement, and so on. In 2003, he served as an advertising model for Olympus, an "Oh! Juliet" and "My digital story", which made countless Chinese audiences familiar with this beautiful and lovely Korean girl. In the movie, her "The Last Supper" starred by many Chinese, Japanese and Korean audiences, and starred in "Snow White" in Japan in 2004.

Zhao Yunxi (???,Cho Yun Hee) collections