Huang Ruowei (Vivi) profile

Huang Ruowei (Vivi) information

  • Name Huang Ruowei (Vivi)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 157
  • Birthday 1992-03-31
  • Measurements B81 W61 H84
  • Born China Taipei, Taiwan
  • Professional Anchor
  • Interest Cooking, yoga
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 2517

Huang Ruwei Vivi, Taiwan's new beauty anchor, graduated from the Department of Information Communication at the Cultural University. She is currently the anchor of MOD Universe News, but she is a female personality. She has never taken the lady route since she was a child, so even the chief and colleagues began to call her "V. brother". Not only that, Huang Ruowei's favorite game when he was a child was to wrestle with his brother, and his mother always reminded that "you must have a feminine taste." As far as the mother's line of sight is concerned, Huang Ruowei still does himself.