Meng Yanzhu (Mengyanzhu) profile

Meng Yanzhu (Mengyanzhu) information

  • Name Meng Yanzhu (Mengyanzhu)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 168
  • Birthday
  • Measurements B92(E) W62 H85
  • Born Qiqihar, Heilongjiang, China
  • Professional Model, car model
  • Interest Singing, dancing, piano, karate
  • Collections 2 collections
  • Views 9272

Meng Yanzhu, nicknamed Jinbei sister, 22 years old, model model in China, car model, Chongqing zero-person studio signing model. Meng Yanzhu graduated from university. When he was a university student, he studied French and had a certificate in French. Meng Yanzhu has a wide range of hobbies, not only to go to the model to speak French, but also to sing and dance the piano, but also very good at karate.