Dang Jiani (Dangjiani) profile

Dang Jiani (Dangjiani) information

  • Name Dang Jiani (Dangjiani)
  • Zodiac Aquarius
  • Height 178
  • Birthday 1994-01-31
  • Measurements B90 W59 H89
  • Born Inner Mongolia, China
  • Professional Model, car model
  • Interest Travel, movie, sleep
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 3257

Party Jia Ni, nicknamed Miss_ party, the popular car model in the mainland, mixed with Russian blood, tall, blue eyes are very exotic. At the age of 14, Dang Jiani began to study models at the Dalian Model Art School. After graduation, she also took the College of Art of Inner Mongolia University. In 2004, he became the image of Miss Inner Mongolia Tourism and the Ambassador of Xiangsha Bay. Now she is a frequent visitor to the auto show, she has been in the previous auto show, and other large domestic auto shows outside the Beijing-Guangzhou Auto Show also participated. .