Rhyme then (Rima Zeidan) profile

Rhyme then (Rima Zeidan) information

  • Name Rhyme then (Rima Zeidan)
  • Zodiac Taurus
  • Height 170
  • Birthday 1990-05-01
  • Measurements B84(C) W64 H84
  • Born Lebanon
  • Professional Host, actor
  • Interest Piano, guitar
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1357

Rema Xidan (original name: רמה זידן, English name: Rima Zeidan), Taiwan mixed-race host, actor, born in Lebanon, father is Lebanese Catholic, mother is Taiwanese, proficient in Chinese, English, and French, graduated from American Christianity To be effective in the Christian Academy. When he was 16 years old, he entered the entertainment circle, and he ate advertisements and MVs to host travel programs, such as "Amazing Adventure" and "Going to Travel." She suffered a death car accident in 2009. She had 30 to 40% of her three-degree burns. The wounds were spread over the arms, thighs and almost the entire back. However, after the rebirth, not only the model but also the development of the entertainment circle, the inspirational upwards Experience has touched many people.

Rhyme then (Rima Zeidan) collections