Kaname Kana (Nana Komatsu) profile

Kaname Kana (Nana Komatsu) information

  • Name Kaname Kana (Nana Komatsu)
  • Zodiac Aquarius
  • Height 0
  • Birthday 1996-02-16
  • Measurements B81 W59 H85
  • Born Tokyo, Japan
  • Professional Actor, model
  • Interest Flute, dance
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1381

Komatsu Nai (こまつなな), a Japanese actor, a fashion model, and a Tokyo-born woman, have mixed-faced faces. In 2008, the model debuted, and later became active in "ニコ☆プチ", "Hana* chu→", "CUTiE", etc. Magazine and advertising industry, starred in the movie for the first time in 2014. 』, and through the film won the 39th return to know the film award · newcomer award, the 38th Japan Oscar Awards · Newcomer Actor Award and the 69th Daily Film Awards · Sports Japan Grand Prix Newcomer Award.