Christine Kuo (Christine Kuo) profile

Christine Kuo (Christine Kuo) information

  • Name Christine Kuo (Christine Kuo)
  • Zodiac Cancer
  • Height 170
  • Birthday 1983-07-11
  • Measurements B86(C) W61 H13
  • Born Canada Taiwan
  • Professional actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 695

Yan Hui, Hong Kong wireless TV artist, entered the international champion Miss China in 2009. Christians, born in South Korea, Japan, the Netherlands and Taiwan, were born in Taiwan, grew up in Taiwan, and then went to Toronto, Canada. He graduated from the University of Calgary with a bachelor's degree in distance management and a minor in accounting. During his studies, he worked as a project manager in an Italian-run company. Yan Hui said that his ambition is to become a successful woman, and to help those in need, and to participate in the election of Miss International China, all want to complete the mother's wishes. At present, Wei Hui is a female TV artist in Hong Kong.

Christine Kuo (Christine Kuo) collections