Du Xiaoqiao (Tosiukiu) profile

Du Xiaoqiao (Tosiukiu) information

  • Name Du Xiaoqiao (Tosiukiu)
  • Zodiac Gemini
  • Height 0
  • Birthday 1990-06-06
  • Measurements
  • Born China Hong Kong
  • Professional Model, actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1565

Du Xiaoqiao, nicknamed Xiao Qiao, is the same temperament beauty as Xiao Qiao in the Three Kingdoms. Hong Kong model, who became popular in the Hong Kong network at the end of 2013, also filmed two works by "FHProductionHK", "I am a soldier in Hong Kong", The two series "The man has something to say." Because of his Xiaoqiao appearance is quite good, so it quickly gained popularity among netizens, and even got the ninth place in the "Gordon Goddess General Election" competition. Now Xiaoqiao’s facebook has been praised 13w many times, showing the popularity.

Du Xiaoqiao (Tosiukiu) collections