Mimi (Mi Fairy) profile

Mimi (Mi Fairy) information

  • Name Mimi (Mi Fairy)
  • Zodiac Aquarius
  • Height 168
  • Birthday 1993-02-12
  • Measurements
  • Born Hunan, China
  • Professional Designer, plane model
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1372

Mi Xiaoxian (Mimi), a network red man in mainland China, claimed that she was not a model but a small designer who sold her, and as her pure photos were circulated on the Internet, her popularity soared and the number of bloggers was as high as 46w. Mi Xiaoxian, a native of Hunan, graduated from Hunan No. 11 Middle School and Xi'an Conservatory of Music. Therefore, she was also named as “Western Goddess” by netizens. She won the top five most beautiful school uniform girls competition, and her fresh and refined temperament spikes countless. Otaku netizens, there is a potential for a new generation of house gods.

Mimi (Mi Fairy) collections