Ou Yiyi (Wing Wing) profile

Ou Yiyi (Wing Wing) information

  • Name Ou Yiyi (Wing Wing)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 165
  • Birthday
  • Measurements B81(C) W58 H84
  • Born China Hong Kong
  • Professional Model, actor
  • Interest Swimming, boxing, cycling
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1490

Wing Wing, a Hong Kong model and actor, joined the model for about two years. She has shot a lot of advertisements, worked as a wedding photography model and hosted a game event, and was greatly enshrined in the "Hong Kong version of Board Ye Youmei". Under the appearance of the delicate drop, WingWing actually has a strong inner heart. In recent months, she has been training Muay Thai and hopes to successfully challenge her to be a female.