Mao Weijia (Weijia Mao) profile

Mao Weijia (Weijia Mao) information

  • Name Mao Weijia (Weijia Mao)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1995-03-16
  • Measurements B86 W62 H85
  • Born Hongkou District, Shanghai, China
  • Professional Plane model, showgirl
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 239

Mao Weijia, mainland plane model, showgirl, graduated from Shanghai Finance College, one of the members of the cherry, 2017ChinaJoy grand game show showgirl. I like you at this age, not because you have a car, but the sun is very good that day, you wear a white shirt with a bag of spicy strips in your pocket.

Mao Weijia (Weijia Mao) collections