Janet Kanokwan Saesim (Janet) profile

Janet Kanokwan Saesim (Janet) information

  • Name Janet Kanokwan Saesim (Janet)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1992-12-12
  • Measurements B91(C) W58 H91
  • Born Bangkok, Thailand
  • Professional Model, car model
  • Interest
  • Collections 2 collections
  • Views 1229

Janet Kanokwan Saesim, nicknamed Janet, Thai model, car model, shines at the major auto shows. Her sexy dress, charming and slightly cute smile makes her every step on the stage, there is no need to follow the spotlight. Many boys are directly seeking photos, and she will accept it. In addition to serving as a model, she also took a photo album, and she was in a different attraction before the camera. Recently, she also attended the Thailand MAYA Awards Ceremony as a guest, which made her a fire in the Thai entertainment circle. At present, in addition to her work as a model, she has also begun to accept invitations for film and television works. She also hopes to see her unusual performance on TV in the future. Janet Kanokwan Saesim - house goddess