Janie Tien Pho Suwan (Chermarn Bunyachark) profile

Janie Tien Pho Suwan (Chermarn Bunyachark) information

  • Name Janie Tien Pho Suwan (Chermarn Bunyachark)
  • Zodiac Virgo
  • Height 168
  • Birthday 1985-09-15
  • Measurements
  • Born Bangkok, Thailand
  • Professional Actor, model
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1402

Ploy (????? ????????????????, Chermann Bunyachark), a popular Thai actress, represents the TV drama "True Love". In the "Peony Last Petal", Ploy plays a beautiful and a little arrogant second sister, leaving a deep impression on everyone. Because of the numerous stars in the three majors, she played a supporting role in many big plays, but her acting skills were in place. At the same time, most of the magazine pictures she shot were more enchanting, which made people feel quite mature.

Janie Tien Pho Suwan (Chermarn Bunyachark) collections