Nathapatsorn Simasthien (Nathapatsorn Simasthien) profile

Nathapatsorn Simasthien (Nathapatsorn Simasthien) information

  • Name Nathapatsorn Simasthien (Nathapatsorn Simasthien)
  • Zodiac Sagittarius
  • Height 166
  • Birthday 1988-12-12
  • Measurements
  • Born Bangkok, Thailand
  • Professional Singer, actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1289

Nathapatsorn Simasthien, nicknamed Dao, is a Thai singer and actor, a new star in the all-round entertainment industry, and graduated from Chulalongkorn University. I used to be a very singer girl in Dao O GA. After that, she entered the entertainment industry, and various shooting invitations continued, such as TV commercials, hosting TV programs, participating in TV series, and so on. Dao has a voice like a voice, and someone who has heard her voice will be captivated by her good voice. Up to now, Dao has released too many music albums, and also sang the theme songs of many famous TV series! In addition, Dao is also a music DJ of several radio stations, and also participated in several TV sitcoms.

Nathapatsorn Simasthien (Nathapatsorn Simasthien) collections