Ayase Haruka (Ayase Haruka) profile

Ayase Haruka (Ayase Haruka) information

  • Name Ayase Haruka (Ayase Haruka)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1985-03-24
  • Measurements B88(F) W61 H91
  • Born Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Actor, singer, dubbing
  • Interest Go to bed
  • Collections 3 collections
  • Views 1380

Happy (绫瀬はるか, あやせはるか), formerly known as 蓼 绫 绫, born in Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japanese popular actress, singer. In 2008, starring in the movie "My Girlfriend is a Robot", won the 21st Women's Sports Film Award starring the Women's Award. In 2009, starring "Big Volleyball" won the 52nd Blue Ribbon Award for Best Actress. In 2007, starring "Firefly Light" won the Women's Award in the Japanese Sports Daily Drama Awards. In 2010, "Fluorescent Light 2" won the 66th National TV Academy's Best Actress, and in 2009 her performance "Mr.brain", Ren Medicine and the 2011 work "Benevolence Medicine 2" and "Antarctic Continental" have achieved good ratings. In 2013, he starred in the big river drama "The Eight Sakura".