Li Fei (Lifeier) profile

Li Fei (Lifeier) information

  • Name Li Fei (Lifeier)
  • Zodiac Libra
  • Height 166
  • Birthday 1987-10-03
  • Measurements
  • Born Liaoning, China
  • Professional Actor, singer
  • Interest
  • Collections 3 collections
  • Views 1616

Li Feier, also known as Li Fei, actress from the Mainland. Born in Liaoning on October 3, 1987. Graduated from the North China International Performing Arts School. He was known to the audience for his role in the song of Huang Xiaoming's "Deer Ding Ji". Representative works include the TV series "Lu Ding Ji", "Lock Qing Qiu", "Welcome to Love", "Celadon", the movie "Rizhao Chongqing", "We Dating", "Surviving Day" and so on.