Vegetable (Nanao) profile

Vegetable (Nanao) information

  • Name Vegetable (Nanao)
  • Zodiac Scorpio
  • Height 172
  • Birthday 1988-10-28
  • Measurements B80(B) W57 H83
  • Born Omiya City, Omiya, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Model, actor
  • Interest Fashion shopping
  • Collections 4 collections
  • Views 6324

The dish is a dish (Dish 々 ななお, ななお), the real name is Arai 々 々 ,, Japan's high popularity model, and actor, known as "2012 Japan's first beautiful legs." Dish Duan graduated from the Puhe College of Higher Education and the Kyori Women's University. He has a superb tall figure and a height of 172. Before the debut, Cai Xuan worked in a rotisserie. In 2009, at the age of 20, she debuted as a model, worked as a racing girl and showgirl, and then appeared in the magazine "PINKY" and won the swimsuit award at the Tokyo Girls' TGC in 2010. And became the official model of the famous "non-no". In 2011, he became the exclusive model of the fashion magazine "GINGER". In 2012, he began to enter the film and television industry. The first show was Fujitsu's "mainly crying." In 2013, she appeared in the women's magazine "an·an".