Chen Yi (Rola Chen) profile

Chen Yi (Rola Chen) information

  • Name Chen Yi (Rola Chen)
  • Zodiac Taurus
  • Height 161
  • Birthday 1987-05-13
  • Measurements B78(B) W58 H87
  • Born Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
  • Professional Singer, model, actor
  • Interest Shopping, listening to music
  • Collections 6 collections
  • Views 20690

Chen Yi (ローラ?チャン, Rola Chen), born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, is a flat model and actor in China. After signing a contract with a Japanese company, he moved to Japan. Chen Yi entered the top 50 in Hangzhou in the super popular girl show "2005 Super Girl" of Hunan Satellite TV in China and was known to everyone in May 2006. At present, it has appeared frequently in Japanese multi-game entertainment programs and is well known to Japanese audiences. He also served as the host of the NHK 2008 Chinese Conversation Lecture. In October 2012, it officially returned from Japan to mainland China.