Akita Hoshi (Mitsukino Hoshina) profile

Akita Hoshi (Mitsukino Hoshina) information

  • Name Akita Hoshi (Mitsukino Hoshina)
  • Zodiac Taurus
  • Height 163
  • Birthday 1996-05-14
  • Measurements B92(H) W62 H86
  • Born Japan Saitama-kun
  • Professional Photo actress, actor
  • Interest Piano, nursing
  • Collections 10 collections
  • Views 21147

The star name Mitsuki (Mitsukino Hoshina), born in Saitama Prefecture, is currently a photo presenting actress and actress in Japan. The star name Mitsuji is a mixed-race beauty, the mother is Chinese, the father is Japanese, and there is a younger sister who is studying in elementary school. In the fall of 2011, the star name Mizuno was discovered in Harajuku's Takeshita and joined the variety industry. In February 2012, a photo session was held. Although the Japanese photo actress is a lot, and it has been professionalized from a very young age, it is common to have a photo work in his 10s, but the star name Mizuji relies on his "children's big breasts" devil. The figure is on the Japanese network for the first time. The most amazing thing is that she is still a junior high school student.