Li Nina (Li Nina) profile

Li Nina (Li Nina) information

  • Name Li Nina (Li Nina)
  • Zodiac Capricorn
  • Height 161
  • Birthday 1983-01-10
  • Measurements
  • Born Benxi, Liaoning, China
  • Professional athlete
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1539

Li Nina, Benxi, Liaoning, was once the head of the Chinese women's freestyle skiing aerials program. She is the first World Cup finals champion of the freestyle skiing program in China. She was the first female athlete to win the world championship in the world in air skills. At the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014, Li Nina participated in the women's freestyle skiing aerials program. As a curtain call, she did not receive a medal, but she still showed a sweet smile and was hailed as “the princess on snow”.

Li Nina (Li Nina) collections