Lin Xinxin (Sora) profile

Lin Xinxin (Sora) information

  • Name Lin Xinxin (Sora)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 170
  • Birthday 1993-04-07
  • Measurements B81(C) W61 H86
  • Born Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model, advertising actor
  • Interest Drawing, food, singing
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1167

Sora, a popular high-profile girl in Taiwan, is a model and advertising actor. Lin Biao core, with Dutch descent, has a mixed-faced and exquisite face. It can be used for advertising performances and when the net is photographed, the monthly income can reach up to 150,000 yuan. However, she seems to have a smooth sailing. When she first debuted, she had many experiences of audition failure. She was too poor to pay rent of 8,000 yuan. In order to become a movie actor, no matter how hard she was on the road, she never thought about giving up, but now the cause The peak and her efforts are inseparable.

Lin Xinxin (Sora) collections